001:choosing the right wall art for a space

Written by: Alex Flack, a writer from Detroit, currently based in NYC. She’s been a freelance writer for the past year, specializing in fashion and art-related content.

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Tip #1: Pick out the art you like. 

This seems simple, but instead of letting the space dictate the art, focus on purchasing pieces you’d enjoy seeing around your home. Mood boards are a great way to see how your art vision looks in practice.

If you have large wall space but love smaller art pieces, create a mood board of rooms that have a similar layout. Don't focus on size, choosing art you like ensures that you’ll be happier with your end result.

Tip #2: Decide what style rules you want to prioritize.

Do you want to style the room with a color scheme in mind, or an overall theme? For example: boho theme. Consider how important style rules are to you in bringing your wall space together.  If you have a piece of art that speaks to you the most, we recommend considering it as an inspiration piece that you can stylize the whole room around.

Tip #3: Get the measuring out of the way.

The more organized you are, the sooner you can skip to the exciting parts of decor. Create a document that lists the measurements of the walls where you want new art. Keep the measurements in an accessible place so that when you’re shopping for new pieces, you’ll know whether it will fit within the space. Always have photos of your space available.

Collecting art and decorating your wall space is exciting because it showcases your taste, warms up your room and turns empty walls into something you love. These tips can be used as guide to help make your house feel like a home.
